One of the most common questions our counselors hear from new clients is “How many sessions of counseling will I need for my situation?” It’s a question we understand, but there’s no simple answer.

At Care to Change, counseling is not a predetermined process with a set number of sessions. Instead, the process depends on each individual’s situation and goals. It also depends on the individual’s personality, willingness to listen, and eagerness to try suggestions for dealing with life’s challenges in new ways. Two people can show up in our office with identical problems, but each needs a different number of sessions to address those problems.

We don’t use a method that says X number of appointments will take care of everything. We get to know you, so that we understand how you think and how you approach life. Then we make recommendations that let you use the strengths that you have and build up the areas where you’re not quite as strong. As you go through counseling there may be a session were you have an “a-ha” moment that provides just as much value as three or four regular sessions might. That’s a good thing, because what’s important about counseling is that you see change and can achieve hope and healing.

Take marriage counseling. Our counselors have had situations in which a couple only needed three or four sessions to work through an issue that was getting in the way of their happiness. But we’ve had other marriages facing problems such as addiction or infidelity in which it took six months to a year of intensive counseling to achieve meaningful progress … and additional counseling after that to address issues we uncovered.

As an individual, you’re unique. The challenges that you face are unique. That’s why we can’t tell you exactly how long this process is going to take (although our counselors will usually be able to give you a rough idea of what you can expect). That said, we will promise you that our approach is focused on helping you obtain the help and insight that you need in the most productive and effective way. Our goal is to help you take control of your life so that you can experience the joy, the happiness, and the fulfillment that comes with living the life that was intended for you. Take a look at who our professionals are and call us to make an appointment today. We have immediate openings for you.

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