When people living in and around Hendricks County feel like they’re stuck and making little progress in life, grappling with anxiety or depression, or struggling with parenting or relationship issues, they may want to seek help from a counselor or other mental health professional.

You may not be aware of all the mental health and counseling resources that are available in our communities. In fact, the county’s Mental Health & Wellness Coalition, in which Care to Change is an active participant, has published a free online guide to those resourcesWe’re glad people have so many options to choose from. That way, they can find the help that meets their needs, their preferences, their insurance coverage or budget, and even that’s closest to their homes.

Why would our counseling center call attention to those other resources? Aren’t they our competition? Well, not really. Each of our county’s providers is unique and fills specific needs. We know we’re not the right choice for everyone. So what makes us different from other resources in our area?

Care to Change is built upon three basic principles. First, we’ve assembled a team of highly educated, experienced professionals who are specialists in their areas of expertise, and who have earned their fields’ credentials and certifications. Most of us have advanced degrees and have received additional training in the areas in which we specialize, so people can be confident we have both the expertise and experience to serve their needs.

Second, we rely exclusively on evidence-based approaches to help people with their mental health needs. That means we don’t just do what seems or feels right. Every method and approach we use has been clinically proven to be effective in treating the particular condition. For example, when we’re dealing with issues with an adopted child from a difficult background, we use Trust-Based Relational Intervention® as a treatment because research proves that it works and EMDR for individuals who have experienced trauma.

Finally, everything we do is built upon a foundation of Biblical truth. That doesn’t mean we preach to people or respond to their questions by quoting scripture. What it does mean is that our understanding of the world and each individual’s place in it has been informed by our faith, and the professional advice we deliver is consistent with Biblical teachings. We see the work we do as our service to God’s people. Our doors and our hearts are open to people of every faith, as well as to people who embrace no particular belief.

If that sounds like what you would appreciate in a mental health professional, our team is here to help. If you or someone you love has a need, why not contact us to see what we can do to help? And if we’re not right for you, we encourage you to check that online guide to find the professional who is the best fit.

April Bordeau is the Director of Care to Change. A licensed clinical social worker, she has focused on helping children and families overcome challenges in their lives for the past two decades. 

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