Challenges in your employees’ personal lives may spill over and affect your church. From marital problems, to anxiety and depression, to substance abuse and more, these “personal matters” significantly impact your employees’ attendance, productivity, and performance. If unaddressed, they may even become visible and affect your church’s image among members.

Just as many churches use health insurance and wellness plans to support their employees, you can work with Care to Change to provide support for emotional issues. Through partnerships with churches like yours, we proactively provide compassionate, practical assistance, addressing issues before they spiral out of control. Through education and communication, we help your employees better understand mental and behavioral health and how we can help, then provide confidential care.

Our team of professional counselors has extensive experience with providing evidence-based individual treatment for challenges such as:

  • anxiety and depression
  • addictions
  • marital and family conflicts
  • conflicts between employees
  • grief and trauma
  • compassion fatigue
  • trauma
  • attachment/adoption support
  • crises affecting your congregation

We can guarantee immediate availability for your employees when needed and/or allow you to offer reduced-price services as part of your employee benefits plan. If your church has an established Employee Assistance Program, we can explore ways to add Care to Change’s services to the resources you already offer. Learn more by contacting us today.

April Bordeau is the Director of Care to Change. A licensed clinical social worker, she has focused on helping children and families overcome challenges in their lives for over two decades. 

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