We’re excited that Care to Change is growing and attracting some of our area’s finest professionals. One of our professionals is Tracy Teipen, our Health and Wellness Counselor. We asked Tracy to share what brought her to us … and why helping people with food, weight, and body images became her professional passion. Her thoughts follow:

When April Bordeau approached me about the role I might play at Care to Change, I knew it was a “God thing” … one of those moments when you know He’s pointing you in a direction. Care To Change’s vision aligned perfectly with my philosophy on health and wellness.

I love that Care to Change combines Biblical truth with research-based practice to treat the whole person. Working together, we use the gifts of each professional specialty to provide the most thorough and supportive care to individuals and families. The fact that I can be a part of the healing process in this way is truly a blessing.

After struggling with food, weight, and body images issues from the age of 14 into adulthood, I know the power food can have over your life. However, I also know the freedom and hope that can come when you have the knowledge, tools, and support system to help you overcome those issues. This is one of the reasons why I am so passionate about the work I do every day. I love seeing the transformation that takes place when you feel confident and equipped to take charge of your health.

Through His grace, I believe God has used my struggles to become my strengths and I am now called to encourage others to do the same. I look forward to seeing God work as lives are changed and health is restored through the healing and growing that takes place at Care to Change.

If you would like to join Tracy’s Health and Wellness group, contact us today. There are only a few seats remaining! Take a step now.

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