Many employers like to thank their employees during the holidays with some sort of gift. It may be a nice shirt with the company logo, a basket of fruit, a box full of tasty indulgences, or a knickknack of some sort. It can be hard to find something everyone likes, and the sentiment only lasts as long as the gift does.

What if instead of giving your employees trinkets or treats, you gave them a gift that can enhance and improve their lives today and in the future … a gift that may even boost their job satisfaction and productivity? For about what you probably spend on gifts and such, you can give your employees the gift of better wellness and mental health.

One of the biggest enemies of productivity and satisfaction in the workplace is stress. Face it, we’re all working harder these days. As companies try to trim costs, they expect workers to do more, and customers and others want everything done in less time. That constant tension can take a toll on employees, leading to irritability, headaches, trouble sleeping, physical illness, and even problems with substance abuse.

You probably can’t eliminate stress, but you can help your employees do a better job of managing it … with some assistance from the team at Care to Change. For example, we can come into your workplace and provide stress management classes. These 30-minute classes (which fit nicely into lunch breaks) teach employees how to reduce stress right at their chairs at work. The class combines mindfulness with controlled breathing and easy physical activity to help them manage the stresses of a busy day and improve their moods. There’s no need for yoga mats or long exercise sessions … just a simple, easy-to-follow approach they’ll appreciate and use.

We can also present workshops or lunch-and-learn sessions that will teach your team how to overcome workplace conflicts, avoid burnout, or better understand what to do when someone they know is suffering from issues such as anxiety and depression. Beyond educating employees, our team of professionals can also provide specialized counseling and mental health screenings that employees can use confidentially to determine whether they or their family members might benefit from assistance.

There are so many ways we can help you improve your employees’ lives. You’ll be doing them a favor that can last a lifetime and you’ll be helping your own bottom line. We’d welcome the chance to sit down and talk about the challenges you see and discuss ways our team can help yours. Why not get in touch with us today?

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