Welcome to Brittany Gipson!

For more than a decade, Brittany has helped individuals cope with and overcome mental health and addiction-related illnesses. She sees her calling as helping people overcome barriers to achieve goals and become their best selves.

Brittany earned her bachelor’s in psychology with a concentration in clinical psychology and psychobiology of addiction, as well as a minor in medical sociology, from Purdue University. After earning a master’s in social work with a concentration in mental health and addiction from Indiana University, Brittany worked in an inpatient facility helping adults stabilize from severe mental illnesses, such as depression, post-suicide attempt/ideation, psychosis, and detoxing. She then moved to an outpatient setting where she counseled children, adolescents, and adults.

She has extensive training in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), motivational interviewing (MI), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). Brittany has attended professional development trainings at The Beck Institute, specializing in CBT for depression and suicidal ideation, and has been published in the Journal of Nursingabout understanding the challenges and needs of primary caregivers of adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders.

Brittany and her husband have been married for six years and have three children. She is currently a member and small-group leader at Connection Pointe Christian Church.

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